
How to be Fearless in Your Healing Journey

Written by
10 August, 2020
· 2 min read
How to be Fearless in Your Healing Journey

Have No Fear, Ben is here! Join Wana + Ben Harris to learn how overcoming fear can help you heal.

1. Tell us a bit about yourself: What do you do? How did you get into what you do?

My name is Ben Harris A.K.A The Fear Guy. I am lovingly devoted to transforming the way we think and feel about fear. I coach individuals to live freely from fear, lead a membership group called the Freedom School and host the Feeling Free podcast.

This has been a lifelong pursuit that's continually evolved and transformed. One of my first memories of fear was in second grade. The school therapist was going from class to class letting each student know that she was there to talk if we needed anything. I raised my hand in the middle of her presentation (no joke) letting her know I wanted to talk with her. Was I scared? Probably, but I didn't really care about opinions yet as a 7 year old. I shared my fears with her that I had at the time and it really helped me.

2. What is fear?

Fear is a gift. It is a message to our higher self whispering (or shouting) for our attention. Fear reveals where we're not free. If we want to be free, we must love and lean into the fear. Our desired outcome is on the other side of fear.

3. Does fear have a purpose? Is it something necessary, and if so, for what?

Yes and yes! Evolutionary speaking, fear is a survival mechanism. It's a feeling and chemical inside of the human body to keep us alive. Nowadays, its purpose is to show us where our next level of growth is. The thing we need to do most is often what we most fear (Tim Ferriss says something like that).

4. How are we supposed to handle fear?

Feel it, which is counterintuitive to what most of us do. We feel fear and resist it. We don't want to feel it and what happens? It gets more intense. What we resist only grows stronger. Feeling, listening and leaning into the fear will provide you with the outcome you desire - which typically is less fear, stress and worry.

5. When fear arises how do you personally deal with it?

In my past, I would find a way to jump head first into my fear as quickly as I could. Nowadays, I will listen to it, acknowledge it and show it compassion. I feel the texture of the emotion to its fullest. After this, I do what my brain tells me not to do. This could look like asking for the sale, posting something vulnerable on Instagram, saying how I really feel and setting boundaries. The growth that fear provides is limitless.

Fear is not something to fear, it is something to love.
-Ben Harris | The Fear Guy

About Ben Harris, The Fear Guy
Ben is a coach, founder of the Freedom School and host of the Feeling Free podcast. Ben has spent his life (often unconsciously) leaning into fear. All of the best things in his life have come from feeling the fear and doing it anyway. Ben is lovingly devoted to helping others feel free.

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