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Brain fog


Brain fog is... wait, what were we saying? Yeah, that’s brain fog. It’s that feeling of forgetfulness, unclear thinking, haziness, and mental exhaustion. You might feel less mentally sharp or unable to keep up with your usual hustle. Everybody gets hit with this on occasion, often due to fatigue or stress. But if you’re at the point where you're locking yourself out of your apartment on a weekly basis, or your train of thought is more often forgotten than not, you may be dealing with brain fog that’s linked to a chronic condition, rather than just the occasional brain fog cloud. So, what’s going on? If you’ve been more physically exhausted for the last six months or more, you could have chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS). People with CFS often explain their symptoms as brain fog, and those with Lyme, fibromyalgia, and many other chronic illnesses get brain fog too. Brain fog has also been linked to modern technology. If you've been glued to your phone and other screens, those bright lights and stimulation can affect your brain. And, if your diet and nutrition haven’t been as healthy as you’d like, that could trigger brain fog too. Studies have found a link between diets high in refined sugars and impaired brain function. Wild, right? What to do about brain fog depends a lot on the cause. If it's linked to a condition, working with a practitioner to treat the underlying cause will help. If you suspect your brain fog is tied to diet, it’s worth looking into an anti-inflammatory diet that’s low in sugar and carbs—an experienced integrative nutritionist can help you make the switch. Some people also find relief from that brain foggy feeling using herbs such as sage, lemon balm, rosemary, and ginkgo. Others swear by blue light-blocking glasses. No matter what, it’s okay to be frustrated when brain fog slows down your day. Just know that you’ll find a lot of fellow brain fog comrades in your WanaFam. You are most definitely not alone!

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