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Just the name makes you a wee bit curious, right? Ok, here goes: the AmpCoil is a device that uses sound technology based on pulsed electromagnetic fields (PEMF) to re-energize damaged cells and restore them to a healthy state. Got that? Yep, it sounds pretty futuristic, but it’s basically a modified Tesla coil that works with a super-smart app to bring your body back into tune. Using info from the app’s voice analysis biofeedback, the AmpCoil sends PEMF frequencies back into your body with the aim of helping it heal. PEMF has been used to treat a range of health issues, from osteoarthritis and Parkinson’s to post-surgical pain and swelling. The manufacturers claim this product also targets cells and organs, and Ampcoil users seem to agree! They say it helps to reduce pain, improve circulation, and even builds immunity. As sci-fi as all this sounds, word on the street is that AmpCoil sessions are actually quite relaxing.

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